Monday, June 13, 2011

Back.. again!

Its been ages, life circumstances put me on break so long I forgot about this blog haha, so soon I'm going to do this whole 200gc thing again, a few other people have done it, I'll link to their things if I find them. After my last exam I'm putting together a new pc and starting this thing again so it'll likely be next month that it begins but while all the replays will be posted, I will only write about the ones I considered note-worthy or exciting. On that chord, I'd like to say it feels like ZvZ can be played using almost only infestor-ling although I do need to test it against decent players! so far I've been playing around with my mechanics during study-breaks.
Start checking the blog out next month :) (thanks to requisition for reminding me about the blog)

For myself -
Need to work on those queen sprays averaging
Avg apm - 101 in-game, reduce useless clicks and increase queen sprays!
3-1 vs P
5-3 vs T
2-5 vs Z

w/l -
83% vs P
42% vs Z
70% vs T
avg = 65%

Sunday, March 13, 2011

baneling cheese vs all races

I'm lazy as balls, you know how it is.. commit to something then never do it!
Just played in my first sc2 tournament! Cityhunter in Sydney, Australia held a small 32 player event.. got to talk to a lot of people who were very into the game :D
The tournament winner, a zerg, was playing very well and mentioned some anti-protoss cheeses he does although he gave no specifics, so I decided I should start figuring some out.
The idea is to take a very specific build order that aims to win the game outright against any one or all of the races.
First I decided to use a baneling bust, as of writing this I've only tried it twice but will continue to update as I try it. (right now being used in platinum league, as I climb up to Diamond its holes should start being more obvious)
I made no attempt at hiding anything -
My pool went down at 1:30 against the protoss in attempt 2, seconds before his 11gate
At ~ 2:30 his 2nd gate goes down (12 supply) just after his probe has found my base but gained no information. pool and gas both finished, he sees 12 drones mining and 2 on gas
chronoboosts his first zealot, started at 2:50 or so, probably thinking I'll have lings on him at any moment
He puts down his cyber at around 3:40, 19 food, staying 1 gas. My overlord sees all of this, giving me hope that this build will work.
Boost begins at 3:35 or so, an important time to note because that means speedlings won't be up till 4:25, 20 seconds after banelings!
Chronoboost is on warpgate tech while a stalker and sentry are under production at 5mins
My attack hit at exactly 6:00, 6 banelings and 12 lings at his door, followed by 10 more lings that had just hatched in base.
his late forcefield did cause him to lose this as well as all the other timing issues (he put down a 3rd gate to finish with the warpgate tech, it felt like a 4gate, but horribly executed)
Will put up more information later then hopefully organise it into something useful :)
10  Overlord
10  SpawningPool
11  Extractor
14  +1 Drone on gas 14  +1 Drone on gas
15  Queen
17  +1 Drone on gas 18  Overlord
18  MetabolicBoost
18  Zergling
19  Overlord
19  Zergling
20  BanelingNest
19  Zergling
20  Zergling
21  Zergling
22  Zergling
23  Zergling
24  Zergling
25  Zergling
26  Zergling
27  Zergling
28  Baneling
28  Baneling
28  Baneling
28  Baneling
28  Baneling

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Analysis v Complaining

So remontoir just told me to go fuck myself, then told me to go analyze my last bunch of games seeing as they are vs high diamonds.. so lets do some analysis instead of complaining : )

6 Pool!

My good friend Remontoir were playing with timings on lost temple, among the tests I 6pooled a bunch of times and he 15hatched. We discovered the following:
If your starting positions are the closest positions by air, the 15 hatch will see the 6pool in time to change builds and place a pool - Win

What is interesting, atleast in my view, is that in the closest ground position on lost temple the 6 pool fails if it is scouted by an overlord and the opponent cancels the hatch, drops a pool and makes more drones - the initial lings need to be 'hunted' though.

If anyone has played with 6pool timings vs 15 hatch on other maps please comment a replay or some info on it, at the moment it feels like the 6pool is only going to work if you drone all-in with it

Friday, February 18, 2011

72 - 283

Well, a lot has happened since Feb 1 but I have not cut down on SC2 at all, quite the contrary ;) 209 games have been played in the last 18 days.
When this blog was started I had the goal of improving my game by putting atleast a minimum of thought into my games... instead what happened was I took my pc to my mates house and played a LOT of games.

Starting Stats:
1878 Point Diamond
156W : 150L = 1.04 W:L or 50.98% Wins

Last Stats:
2497 Point Diamond
197W : 181L = 1.0884 W:L or 52.12% Wins

Current Stats:

3134 Point Diamond
311W :  278L = 1.18705 or 52.80% Wins

Since started, 283 games have been played gaining me 1256 points which is like 4.5 points a game (goddamnit!)
* In the last 25 games (the games I played on the 18th up till right now) my win rate has been 70% :)
However, bullshit aside, I feel I have gotten a hell of a lot better, apm has stayed in the same range but my control has increased, my macro although still horrible has developed quite a bit and more importantly, bullshit cheeses are working less and less. + I caught up to my mate finally :D infact at the time of writing this I'm a few points ahead!

So now that I've played 200 games and failed to blog each one this blog is going to be repurposed to express my thoughts on what the matchups are doing.

1 - Fuck you protoss! Sick of this void ray colossus 2base shit you guys pull. stop that.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Game 36 - 72 - Eval

Sitting at my good friends house playing SC2 quite a bit, these 36 games were played on the nights between the 31st / 1st and the 1st / 2nd.

My average apm for the first 6 games was ~ 90, for the last 6 games was ~107 :D!

Game 36 L  - ZvP
Game 37 W - ZvZ
Game 38 L  - ZvP
Game 39 L  - ZvZ
Game 40 L  - ZvZ
Game 41 L  - ZvT
Game 42 L  - ZvT
Game 43 W - ZvZ
Game 44 W - ZvZ
Game 45 W - ZvP
Game 46 W - ZvP
Game 47 W - ZvT
Game 48 W - ZvP
Game 49 L  - ZvT
Game 50 W - ZvZ
Game 51 W - ZvP
Game 52 L  - ZvZ
Game 53 W - ZvZ
Game 54 L  - ZvT
Game 55 W - ZvT
Game 56 W - ZvP
Game 57 L  - ZvT
Game 58 W - ZvP
Game 59 W - ZvP
Game 60 L  - ZvZ
Game 61 W - ZvT
Game 62 W - ZvT
Game 63 L  - ZvT
Game 64 W - ZvT
Game 65 L - ZvP
Game 66 L - ZvZ
Game 67 L - ZvP
Game 68 W - ZvZ
Game 69 W - ZvP
Game 70 L - ZvT
Game 71 W - ZvT
Game 72 L - ZvP

37 games, 17 losses, 20wins
Starting Stats:
1878 Point Diamond
156W : 150L = 1.04 W:L or 50.98% Wins

Last Eval Stats:

2126 Point Diamond
171W : 160L = 1.06875 W:L or 51.66% Wins

This Evaluation: (as of game 72 instead of 50)

2497 Point Diamond
197W : 181L = 1.0884 W:L or 52.12% Wins

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Game 35

Aquastraith - 2700 Diamond
Lost Temple

God-damn 1 base protoss colossus..
< Needs to fucking scout >

Game 34

ZvR (Z)
Lunarsky - 368 Plat
Shakuras Plateau

fuck ling all ins... fuck me for being spastic and screwing my build up, and most of all fuck me for not dealing with his shit.

Game 33

Merc - 2692 Diamond
Steppes of War

I could have reacted much better to his 6lings... fucking moron

Game 32

Corndugwut - 2220 Diamond
Lost Temple

Should have scouted a little harder and not forgotten I had a changeling in his base..
and the bastard put up a 3rd base... I didn't even know till I checked the replay!
Running in and taking out his natural the first time he expanded with lings, and again with roaches seems to have been a great idea

Game 31

Bubsodian - 580 Diamond

Need to postpone fights till I have the largest possible army size! and the right combination of units...
Cool facts:
I produced 198 drones, 98 lings, 121 hydras and 54 mutas to deal with his 78 probes, 8 zealots, 8 phoenixes, 89 stalkers and 5 colossi!

Game 30

Imbalance - 2623
Steppes of War

fucked up a 12drone rush

Game 29

Delete - 1914 Diamond

Lack of scouting,
No plan for combat,
Not enough droning,
Bad infight micro

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Game 28

LeafMeAlone - 1846 Diamond

Bad scouting, bad playing - was just fortunate he did not know what he was doing and why he was doing it

Game 27

SummerLights - 2521 Diamond
Delta Quadrant

Although I did not scout enough, I felt 1 base roach coming on considering how many zerg are doing it lately in zvz's so I macrod up and had a peek with my first 6 lings, revealing nothing. Later I looked again and sure enough, 1base roach SOOO
Mass speedling, when he moved out of his base I ran into his, killed the queen and all the drones before pulling back to defend, timing it with my lings popping although crudely.

- Could have scouted much much better with lings
- Should have put down one or two more spines in my base

Game 26

Tuneful - 2449 Diamond

Scout more!
Queen and creep timings!
better micro :D

Friday, January 28, 2011

Game 25 - Eval

JTSKamui - 1818 Diamond
Steppes of War

Breakdown of what happened this game (because it was rather entertaining)
- He does a standard start; I 12 drone rush
I screw up my rush by forgetting, at 10 food, that the plan was 12DR and start growing me an overlord. Fortunately I remember within a few moments, cancel the overlord and continue getting my 12 drones out - this put me up to 200 minerals after my drones were up so I made an overlord and during the attack continued droning up!
- He loses the battle due to some poor micro and the fact that its a 12 drone rush!
- He lifts off and goes to the gold base then relocates behind rocks
- He macros up
- I expand all over the show, lair up, nydus a few times forcing him to pull away his scv's, reducing the number of marines possible before my mutas get in the air :D
- I win.

Remontoirs take:

Okay, its been 25 games now, heres whats happened so far
Starting at:
1878 Point Diamond
156W : 150L = 1.04 W:L or 50.98% Wins
248 Points and an increase of 0.68 in my [Gw/Gt]%  - (Games won / Games total)
2126 Point Diamond
171W : 160L = 1.06875 W:L or 51.66% Wins

Also going to note that over the last 25 games, points gained per game average = 9.92 Points.
Hoping that my points gained per game will go up by game 50

Game 24

Pigmaster - 749 Diamond
Steppes of War

Felt fairly relaxed, should have scouted early game but the overlord gave me enough information and I feel my overlord positioning was fairly good, especially considering he went 1 base bane
Should have droned slightly harder early game and roached slightly earlier\

Remontoirs Take:
- Don't give away free overlords (although the red zerg didn't kill my overlord, it would have died had he just attacked moved his queen)
- Zergling speed is the highest priority! Do not start it 30gas late..
- Ling Scout

* Remontoirs take is my friends opinion on my games (the ones I ask him for an opinion on)
Also introducing my 25 game evaluation after next game!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Game 23

MeanJeans - 2043 Diamond
Shakuras Plateau

A few silly errors like allowing a pylon to go up (no scouting for these irritating semi-cheeses again)
but my lings did enough damage although need to learn to micro better, just got a razer mouse off my mate up from old microsoft mouse, getting used to the incredible different tactile sensation haha

Game 22

MarineKingJr - 42 Plat (his 6th game and 6th win haha)
Xel'Naga Caverns

Errors early game when i didn't scout for a bunker during 14-expand
mid game.. moved out with roach + ling against standard mass marine play and did not morph banelings BEFORE I moved out...
then I chucked a little rager at the whole thing at the end haha

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Game 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 - 3 week hiatus ended :D

Game 17:
Game 18:
Game 19:
Game 20:
Game 21:

Not going to detail these games as I'm just getting back in and with the help of a good friend learning the game as its changed a little.. as of game 21 im at 2043 points
Game 17 - Loss ZvZ
Game 18 - Win ZvZ
Game 19 - Loss ZvP
Game 20 - Loss ZvT
Game 21 - Win ZvT

Goodnight All.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Game 16

TyranoMike - 2341 Platinum
Lost Temple

Been playing HoN so my playing was a weaker this game then the last 15
- Slow on macro (not enough drones)
- Lost too many mutas and did not target key structures in fly bys
- Repeatedly food capping myself
- If he had been a more competent micro-player those colossi might have done a lot of damage, either in muta losses in sniping them if there had been any anti-air or in his attacks :(